During nearly three decades at the American Petroleum Institute, the oil industry’s premier trade association, I managed consensus building among the Institute’s company members on key legislation, rulemaking and litigation issues affecting industry, principally EPA major source permitting and transportation fuels under the Clean Air Act and Department of the Interior royalty management under various federal statutes.
This consensus building experience includes managing multi-party private meetings, participating in public consensus building fora, such as federal advisory committees under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, and regulatory negotiations under the federal Negotiated Rulemaking Act, and serving as lead negotiator in the settlement of several multi-million dollar litigations.
As a senior lawyer at the American Petroleum Institute, I managed several committees of API members charged to serve the association’s myriad committees participating legislation and agency rulemaking on Environmental Protection Agency Clean Air Act facility siting and transportation fuels issues and Department of the Interior land access and royalty management issues. During this time I was very active in American Bar Association environmental or natural resources Sections and organizations, such as the Rocky Mountain Mineral Foundation, by crafting published authoritative materials and participating in myriad issue-oriented conferences and training events.
Illustrative of my strong role in policy matters was my April 2003 Minerals Management Service Corporate Leadership Award for years of service on royalty management efforts on Department of the Interior royalty management issues.